Titel på förslaget:
Originaltitel: Long-lasting peace between Ukraine and Russia
Förslagsinlämnare: Anonym
Språk: Engelska
1. Evakuering
2. Demilitariserade zoner
3. Neutral övervakning
4. Sverige som fredsbyggare
5. Minskat NATO-inflytande
6. Allians med Ryssland
7. Mediekritik
8. Förtroendeskapande
9. Långsiktig fred
10. Avmilitarisering
Mer om fredstävlingen:
Delta i Fredstävling 2024 | Ukraina – Ryssland
Summering på svenska
Den föreslagna fredsplanen för att uppnå långvarig fred mellan Ukraina och Ryssland innebär följande huvudpunkter:
1. Evakuering av stridsområden: Planen föreslår att de omstridda områdena i Ukraina, där striderna mellan Ryssland och Ukraina pågår, ska evakueras helt från både civila och militära styrkor. Dessa områden ska bli demilitariserade zoner eller “fredsområden”, där ingen får vistas tills en lösning har förhandlats fram.
2. Neutral övervakning: För att säkerställa att ingen bryter mot evakueringsavtalet, ska neutrala observatörer från länder som båda parter har förtroende för, som till exempel Ungern eller Turkiet, övervaka områdena. Dessa observatörer får kalla in sina egna militärstyrkor för att arrestera dem som bryter mot avtalet.
3. Sverige som fredsbyggare: För att bidra till fred i regionen föreslås att Sverige ska distansera sig från USA och NATO och istället försöka bygga broar till Ryssland. Detta skulle inkludera att Sverige drar sig ur DCA-avtalet och NATO, och istället erbjuder att bli observatörer i Ukraina och andra baltiska stater.
4. Minskad amerikansk militär närvaro: Planen föreslår att USA inte ska få etablera militära baser nära Rysslands gränser, eftersom det kan leda till ökad spänning och misstro. Istället ska insatser göras för att bygga förtroende och långsiktig fred.
5. Förslag om allians med Ryssland: Om någon stat skulle bryta mot Rysslands suveränitet eller ryska medborgares rättigheter, föreslås att Sverige erbjuder Gotlands flygplats som en rysk militärbas. I gengäld ska Ryssland skydda Sverige vid en attack.
6. Mediekritik och motstånd: Förslaget erkänner att det sannolikt kommer att möta kritik, särskilt från mainstreammedia, som kan anklaga det för att vara “Rysslandsvänligt”. Planen understryker dock att om det accepteras, skulle det kunna leda till långvarig fred i regionen.
Planen betonar vikten av att bryta sig loss från rädslan för Ryssland och istället arbeta för att skapa långvariga fredliga relationer i Europa.
Hela fredsplanen som är skriven på engelska finns att läsa här:
Long-lasting peace between Ukraine and Russia
Fact is that Russia has occupied parts of Ukraine. Fact is also that USA has influenced Ukraine elections, and that Ukraine people has harassed and killed Russian civilians in Ukraine. In addition, NATO has advanced their frontlines against Russia.
This peace proposal aims to create long-term peace in Russia and Ukraine as well as in other countries in the region. The idea is to separate the warring parties directly and thereby save both life and suffering and then, as the next step, initiate peace negotiations.
For example, if you have two sons fighting, you don’t start by investigating whose fault it was or who started the fight. You separate the sons immediately, so they don’t continue to hurt each other, and then you take the discussion on how to resolve the conflict.
The same should be done with the warring parties in Ukraine. The cities and areas that Russia and Ukraine are fighting for should be evacuated, both of residents and military from both sides, so that it becomes a 100% empty zone, a demilitarized zone, or a so-called “area of peace”. .
About 10 million Ukrainians are already on the run due to the war. The most vulnerable areas are already almost emptied of civilians. Our plan is to completely empty the other areas as well, both regarding civilians and military. It may sound controversial to empty entire cities, but we consider the alternative to be worse, as more lives will be wasted. There are not that many people left to vacate from these cities/areas compared to the approx.10 million people who are already on the run.
When the parties sign the agreement, they also agree that no person may set foot in these areas before a solution for the areas has been agreed upon. If an agreement cannot be found, it is understood that no one may enter these areas until an agreement is reached. It is not a ceasefire, but a total ban on gathering forces to later re-enter the area. If the parties do not find a solution for the areas, the cities/areas can become a monument for peace or a tourist destination.
To ensure that no one enters these areas, both parties need to appoint neutral observers that both parties trust, however, no Ukrainians nor Russians. It could be observers from for example Hungary or Turkey, in whom both parties have confidence. These observers may be physically present, alternatively new technology could be used, e.g. could Elon Musk use special satellites to monitor the area, or drones can be used to patrol the area.
In the event of a possible violation, these observers have the right to call in their own country’s military to arrest those who have entered the area to, for example, loot. If it is the Russians or the Ukrainians who break the agreement to start the war again, that country shows the whole world that they are not reliable and then the observers leave the country.
Often it is a third party that initiates a conflict between two parties. E.g. someone who wants to have political influence or is interested in selling weapons. To prevent further conflicts between Ukraine and Russia, far-reaching peace plans covering the whole of Ukraine and Russia are also needed.
Sweden’s role as a peacebuilder
If Sweden chooses to take a stand and become an active part for peace in the region, there are several opportunities to act. Below are some concrete examples.
Sweden has built up a fear for Russia for decades. Throughout the years, Sweden has been extremely friendly to the United States and has adopted and implemented lots of ideas and events from the United States. Now we have also accepted an American occupation of Sweden where the USA is allowed to establish military bases in Sweden through the DCA agreement.
But Sweden should not contribute to those two great powers getting too close to each other. It is far too dangerous for two great powers like the USA and Russia to be so close to each other militarily, since the countries will have different presidents with different minds over the years, and it is only a matter of time before one of the countries has a president with the wrong mindset and starts a large-scale war.
By the US militarily, via the DCA agreement with Sweden, becoming a neighbor of Russia, will lead to instability, mistrust and increasing stockpiles of weapons on both sides. Sweden should instead prevent the US from becoming a military neighbor to Russia and instead create trust and peace in the long term. If Sweden wants to contribute, we should withdraw from the DCA agreement, leave NATO and then build bridges with Russia by offering to be observers in Ukraine and in other Baltic states. Long-term peace can only be built when the US does not approach Russia’s borders. This means that the US cannot have military bases near Russia.
Everyone knows that Ukraine was already a very corrupt country before the war started. Since Ukraine receives so much support and money from Europe and the USA, Sweden, as a peacekeeping country, should receive even more support in the event of an attack from another country. Sweden does therefore not necessarily have to be part of the DCA agreement or NATO (Since Ukraine isn’t). We should instead invest in peacekeeping efforts and be more focused on human development. We
must all understand that there is a need to invest in building trust instead of investing in weapons arsenals.
If it turns out that some of the states in question violate Russia’s sovereignty or Russian citizens as happened in 2014, we should grant Gotland airport to Russia as a military base, from where they can defend themselves. In return, Russia must defend Sweden in the event of a foreign or domestic attack. See SVT’s program “Document utifrån” about how badly Ukrainians treated and killed Russians in Ukraine in 2014. Sweden’s propaganda machine has chosen to delete this program from SVT’s archive. (It is now on Rumble, see link https://rumble.com/v2bkl28- dokument-utifrn.-ukraina-revolutionens-mrka-sida-svt-tog-bort-den-efter-ptr.html).
The alliance with Russia is there to prevent the great powers USA and Russia from fighting each other, that human lives are wasted and to achieve long-term peace and freedom in Europe.
It is important to look at the situation clearly and to get away from the fear of Russia. The agreement will strengthen our relations and ensure that Russia would not want to attack Sweden. We see that the scenario where Russia wants to attack Sweden is pure propaganda. In connection with the signing of an agreement, an interview with Putin can be conducted on Swedish television, with a reporter that Putin accepts, where he openly talks about his intentions with Sweden and why he is not interested in entering Sweden.
People with far- reaching personal development recognize that this plan for peace is a long-term sustainable initiative for peace and should be implemented immediately. Those who have not come as far, those who are still preoccupied with their egos, those who are inside the prevailing narrative of the war, they will react negatively to this peace proposal.
The prevailing narrative media will criticize this proposal, e.g. they will say that it is “Russian friendly” in many ways if even bringing it up, because the power behind it wants the war to continue. If alternative media or other external parties can influence the acceptance of this agreement, then long term peace will be established in Ukraine and Russia.
6 svar
This is bullshit!!!
Rather silly and unrealistic suggestions all of them. The number one matter to consider is what is REALISTIC! Russia have been cheated and lied to many times, starting with POTUS Reagans promise to “Gorbi” NOT TO EXPAND US-NATO in response to the dismantling of the opposing Sovjet Warsaw pact. Fact is that USA meddled in Ukraine election to destroy a neutral Ukrainian government and install a US vassal government that have continued to lie and cheat and murder ethnic Russians that lived in Eastern Ukraine for 1,000’a years. The peace that will work is that Ukraine is turned into a land-locked “rump-state” and what once was Russian is returned to Russia. Also what was once Polish and Hungarian is lopped off Ukraine and returned to Poland and Hungary. That will work for peace for all involved, especially for the Ukrainian Nazis living in remaining “rump-Ukraine”.
Rather silly and unrealistic suggestions all of them. The number one matter to consider is what is REALISTIC! Russia have been cheated and lied to many times, starting with POTUS Reagans promise to “Gorbi” NOT TO EXPAND US-NATO in response to the dismantling of the opposing Sovjet Warsaw pact. Fact is that USA meddled in Ukraine election to destroy a neutral Ukrainian government and install a US vassal government that have continued to lie and cheat and murder ethnic Russians that lived in Eastern Ukraine for 1,000’a years. The peace that will work is that Ukraine is turned into a land-locked “rump-state” and what once was Russian is returned to Russia. Also what was once Polish and Hungarian is lopped off Ukraine and returned to Poland and Hungary. That will work for peace for all involved, especially for the Ukrainian Nazis living in remaining “rump-Ukraine”.
Vi behöver skicka försvarsministern till USA dit han hör. Han krigshetsar istället för fredsförhandlar och tänker inte ett dugg på Svenska folket och vår framtid!
Dessutom byta ut hela vår regering som ALDRIG sätter ner foten och därför ser det ut som det gör i vårt land!
Vettigt förslag men med reservation för punkt 5.
Vettigt förslag men med reservation för punkt nr 5.